文章来源:2020年11月13日 Shenzhen Daily
INNOVATIVE products developed by universities in Shenzhen, including Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology (SZIIT), Shenzhen University (SZU) and Shenzhen Polytechnic (SZPT), are being exhibited at the 22nd China Hi-Tech Fair (CHTF) held at the Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center.
SZIIT has brought 29 technology items in fields including artificial intelligence, green building, biomedicine and intelligent manufacturing to CHTF.
An underwater robot called ROV, developed by a team led by Professor Li Huazhong with SZIIT, can complete various professional operations such as real-time video transmission and sonar image rendering even in high-risk, zero-visibility waters.
A total of 10 new platforms, jointly built by SZIIT and companies such as Huawei and DOBOT, were also inaugurated Thursday at SZIIT’s booth in Hall 1.
记者 Wang Jingli
出处 http://szdaily.sznews.com/MB/content/202011/13/content_947214.html